Bobby Zapp shares his 30 years of experience and love of juicing in his new book “Bobby Zapp’s Super Green Juice Guide.” His guide makes juicing so easy it’ll make juicing a habit in no time. In fact, you might actually say, “Are these juices really healthy because they’re so delicious they can’t be.”
His guide will teach you all you need to know about juicing and so much more. For example, he explains the therapeutic reason why juicing is critical for health, energy, longevity, and feeling amazing. He teaches you all you need to know about organic and natural labels. He gives you all the juicing guidelines, the four juicing storage scenarios, all the possible ingredients that are used to make juices, and even walks you through the different types of juicers and their procedures, which includes; Blending, Centrifugal, Masticating, Triturating, and the “Holy Grail” of all juicers “The Press Juicing Method.”
But wait, he also includes his 62-favorite “Super Green Juice Recipes,” The same recipes that are used for his “31-Day Super Green Juice Challenge,” which is the perfect way to create that healthy lifestyle you’ve been searching for and the best part is, you can start your free juice challenge right now by simply going to, if you can’t wait to get started.
Wow, bet you can’t wait to drink that first Super Green Juice. But wait, that’s not all. He even gives you some surprise content, but you’ll have to buy the “Super Green Juice Guide” to find out what that surprise content is!
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