The 5 Criteria for a Healthy Juice!

I’ve been juicing for more than 27 years, thanks to Gary Null. I first heard of Gary Null when I was listening to the radio and heard him speak about juicing and I was hooked.

All these years later I’m still asked the same question over and over.

“How do you make the best-tasting green juices or smoothies?

Making juices and smoothies taste great is easy, but if your goal is to optimize your health, then you must focus on the quality of the ingredients that you’re using for every juice or smoothie you’re making.

If you do this, then every juice you make will not only taste great, but it will also ensure that it doesn’t negatively impact your body.   

One of the goals I set for myself to help my audience stay healthy is to make sure that they use only the best possible organic produce.

Quick story, many years ago when I went on vacation to Mexico City, I tried to get fresh organic produce to make a green juice. It was impossible; no one had organic produce, other than right out of the local gardens. So I talked to the locals, but they were using pesticides so I couldn’t use their produce.

I ended up making a juice with non-organic produce and wouldn’t you know it; I felt ill for three days. Perhaps it was the water; who knows? But as a rule, it’s better not to have a juice if it’s non-organic than to have it.  

It’s disturbing that a lot of people who promote juicing don’t promote using the best possible ingredients. Here’s a list of some authors and their books– who do promote using organic.

Gary Null:

Gary’s book:
The Joy of Juicing, 3rd Edition: 150 imaginative, healthful juicing recipes.

Jen Hansard

Jen’s book: Simple Green Meals: 100+ Plant-Powered Recipes to Thrive from the Inside Out

Vanessa Simkins:

Vanessa’s book: The Juice Lover’s Big Book of Juices: 425 Recipes for Super Nutritious and Crazy Delicious Juices

Jason Vale:  JasonValeOfficial.Com/

Jason books:  Super Juice Me!: 28-Day Juice Plan


Making juice or smoothies and not using the highest quality produce is counterproductive.

That’s why I have five criteria for selecting the best possible produce so that the end product is the most potent healthy juice possible.

So, as a rule, if you want to optimize your efforts and get and stay healthy, you must use only the best possible produce.

Those five criteria are only buying local, fresh, NON-GMO, chemical-free, and organic produce.

Meeting these requirements ensures that all your juices will be the most potent and toxic-free that they can possibly be.

Now you may be thinking, but what about taste.? Well, the taste is another matter altogether.

Because when it comes to juicing, the taste is derived from the additives, for example, powders, et cetera, and the fruits and vegetables that you choose to use in your juices and smoothies.

So if you want to be as healthy as possible. I am suggesting that you make a conscious effort to use the best quality produce so that you’re maximizing your efforts when you take action to get and stay healthy.  

Because as you may or may not know. Juicing offers the richest source of nutrients. Those nutrients are found within the cells of the produce. That produce is what gives each juice its healing powers and awesome taste.

That’s why it’s critical to buy the best possible produce, so you are not inadvertently hurting yourself and putting toxins into your sacred body.

Okay, let’s finish up with a breakdown of all five of the criteria for a healthy juice and briefly discuss why it’s important to follow these standards.

First, let’s talk about what I mean by buying locally. If you buy locally, it simply means that the produce is not sitting in some truck or some warehouse for days at a time which can cause possible mold or diseases to form.

Buying local also means it supports your local economy. It also helps lower the economic and environmental costs of long-distance transportation and the storage of produce.

Oh, and yes, I am aware that the change of the seasons makes it difficult to buy certain types of produce during the winter months in, for example, New York; so certain produce must be bought from the tropics in those months.

Thus, at times buying produce from other countries cannot be avoided; for example, mangos, pineapples, kiwis, and one of my favorite fruits the Thailand coconut (also known as the Drupe) which are all grown in tropical locations.

So, again, depending upon where you live you may have to get these types of fruits from other countries at times. Nonetheless, keep this local idea in mind when buying most produce.

The second criterion is fresh, which is also like local, for obvious reasons. Fresh means the produce is not sitting around too long in transit et cetera, which means the produce will taste better and produce maximum potency.

The third criterion is NON-GMO because the research is clear; genetically modified organisms are devastating to the human body.

It’s for this reason that I don’t use GMO produce. I consider my body sacred.

The fourth criterion is chemical-free because as I discuss in the juicing guidelines section of my new book, Bobby Zapp’s Super Green Juice Guide.

Pesticides are systemic in non-organic produce and cannot be removed by cleaning the vegetables and fruits, so they end up inside our body making our immune systems weak.

And finally, the fifth criterion is organic because of all the additives that are used in non-organic produce.

Organic produce is labeled USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC because it’s grown and processed according to Federal guidelines, which include many rigid factors like soil quality, pest, and weed control and does not use additives.

So for produce to be labeled USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC, the guidelines require that the produce is grown in soil that’s had no prohibited substances applied for three years before harvesting. 

Additionally, other prohibited substances would include pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Any changes that a farmer may want or need to make to assist in growing any produce for a specific reason would require heavy scrutinizing to ensure that the produce meets all criteria and standards set by the Federal guidelines.

These guidelines also help to make certain that there are no unhealthy human side effects, as well as any negative effects on the environment.

All of these precautions and efforts assure consumers that at every stage of the growing process, they can feel confident that any produce labeled USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC is verified from beginning to end.

The industry is changing because more people are voting with their dollars and buying organic produce, which is very important for overall health.

So it would seem that the future will reign with organic produce more and more and I am very happy things have shifted in this direction.  

Well, I hope you’re inspired to make a juice or smoothie right now, if so. I’ll leave you with a recipe. Try it out:


    • YIELDS 16 oz. To 32 oz.
    • Ingredients:Focus: Nerve Health
    • 2 cups distilled water
    • Or coconut water for the base
    • 1 cup of cilantro
    • 1 cup of spinach
    • 1 banana
    • 2 cups of blueberries
    • 1 tablespoon of brewer’s yeast
    • 1 tablespoon of lecithin granules
    • 4 tablespoons of raw
    • plant protein powder
    • Please drink immediately.
    • Procedure:
    • Blend base with cilantro, spinach, and banana until liquefied.
    • Blend blueberries, brewer’s yeast, lecithin granules, and raw plant protein powder until liquefied.

Tip: Use frozen organic fruit or buy them fresh and freeze them to preserve their ripened freshness; this way, when you blend them up, they’ll be like ice cubes chilling your drink.

And, if you are interested in more recipes, please consider supporting my work and buying my 31-day juice challenge. at:, to support my work.

Grab my new book
Bobby Zapp’s PassiveWorkout” on Amazon by clicking the blue link, thanks for your support! 

Peace, health, and Juice

Bobby Zapp


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