Bobby Zapp’s! Explained!

Bobby Zapp’s! Explained!

Bobby Zapp’s! Explained!

Wow, years of dedication and hard work have finally made this site a reality. So let me say to you my audience in my LOUDEST VOICE, welcome to the launching of my blog the PassiveWorkout…

Hi, I’m Bobby Zapp, the creator of the Passive Workout System. I made a commitment to helping you the audience make progress toward losing weight, getting in shape and so much more.

I plan on achieving this by giving you a complete picture of health, which I call, the  Realm of Mental health.

On this wheel, there are many pieces to the puzzle to put together by utilizing my favorite attribute self-discipline in order to reach optimal wellness.

This wheel includes topics on health, fitness, nutrition, and many other key components that are needed to lose weight, get in shape and stay healthy so that you can consciously take action until it becomes a way of life.

I’ve been wanting to launch this blog on health, fitness & nutrition for the past 3 years and it’s finally a reality.

But it only happened because I exerted massive amounts of energy.

For example, I spent the first two years writing my two eBooks, Bobby Zapp’s PassiveWorkout and the Super Green Juice Guide.

However, if I didn’t have help from many of the amazing successful entrepreneurs who’ve supported me along the way like:

Pat Flynn:

Pat’s book: Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business

Chalene Johnson:,

Chalene’s workout: Chalene Johnson’s PiYo Base Kit, DVD Workout 

Amy Porterfield:

Amy’s Book: Two Weeks Notice: Find the Courage to Quit Your Job, Make More Money, Work Where You Want, and Change the World 

and many more who motivated and guided me toward staying the course.

I’ve also had a personal and family history of achieving high levels of success.

That success began by observing both of my great grandfathers, Michael A. Zappalorti who was a *stained glass artist and entomologist on my father’s side, and on my mother’s side, William Cummings who was a real estate guru and business entrepreneur.

And I can’t forget my powerful Father, Robert T Zappalorti Sr, who is a business entrepreneur, Herpetologist, author, composer, and actor who founded Herpetological Associates, Inc. (HA) in the spring of 1977 to follow his passion for wildlife.

His firm specializes in the conservation and ecology of threatened and en­dangered amphibians and reptiles, which has been his life long passion. Find him at:  (

So there is quite a long history of successful strong role models in my life to inspire me to take action.

I hope I can live up to their legacy.  

Here’s what you need to know about following your dreams.

Creating the life you want takes real power and force to push past your comfort zone.

You must inconvenience yourself over and over again with physical and mental voluntary suffering. And I would say this deliberate dedication is required to transform your life, regardless of the goals you want to achieve.

As for me, I have always been comfortable with taking on the challenge of hard work.

That hard work started when I was very young because my father was always showing me through his actions how to achieve success.

And it’s because of their self-discipline, which influenced me, that I’ve been able to achieve great success.

For example, I’ve enjoyed a 24-year career as a real estate investor and business entrepreneur.

I purchased my first multifamily house in 1997, and I still live off the passive rental income that my real estate generates to this day.

I’ve also enjoyed a modest career in the music business for more than 25 years as a singer, songwriter, performer, and producer, and still perform on occasion.

I’ve also coached and mentored a few artists in my day; for example, you might know the singer, “Eamon.”

If you’re not familiar with Eamon, he’s an incredibly talented American R&B, hip hop singer-songwriter who is most known for his 2003 hit single, (F-it, I don’t want you back.)

So Hard work does pay off…

My amazing creative life journey started with a poem when I was in the fifth grade.

Since then my life has taken many twists and turns, but the one consistent area of my life has always been my passion for health and fitness, which is why you’re here.

I’ve been studying the topics of health, fitness, and nutrition for more than 25 years.

I’ve also been practicing yoga, the art of energy healing, and many other physical, spiritual, and mental activities to round out my knowledge and experience on the topic of health and wellness.

All this seeking of wisdom has culminated in the creation of this blog and the writing of my two new eBooks,

Bobby Zapp’s and the Super Green Juice Guide.  

Many of my students have asked me to explain the PassiveWorkout system, so I will briefly go through the concept step by step.

The PassiveWorkout System is a convenient easy step by step way of getting in shape, losing weight and so much more.

It does this by utilizing isometric, dynamic/isotonic, and some yoga exercise movements separately or in combination with the goal of getting your body moving so that you’re progressively moving in the direction of getting healthy.

Translation, getting your body moving, that’s what my system is all about, and it’s one of the key components I teach on my Wheel of mental health so that you’ll eventually get in shape, lose weight, and feel more energized as you tone and tighten your body with minimum effort.

I say minimum effort because even though I call my system the PassiveWorkout, there’s nothing passive about it. You are actively participating daily.

The specific mindset that makes my course unique is that it gets you in the habit of working out (Passively) every day without having to schedule a workout.

As a result, you begin to make a conscious effort to work out throughout the entire day; which will gradually help you lose weight, get in shape so that you feel more energized and it does this all while you’re participating in your daily life activities.

This simple idea of working out throughout the entire day allows you to make the most of your time.

An example of this would be, if you’re in a public place, you may want to use that time productively by exercising so you could add an exercise that doesn’t draw attention to yourself.

But it’s important to note that my system is not for advanced students. Although anyone can benefit from my system, it wasn’t specifically created for the younger generation.

It was created for beginners, intermediates, and people who are struggling and can’t seem to make progress.

So what types of exercises would best work with the PassiveWorkout System?

There are many different types of exercises to choose from; one of my favorite types is isometrics.

Isometrics has been around for a long time simply because it’s so practical for exercising. Isometric exercise or Isometrics is a type of strength training where the joint angle and muscle length doesn’t change during contraction or exercise.

It’s for this reason that isometrics is a perfect medium for the Passive Workout System.

Exercising with my system only requires one set or more for a 6 to 12 count or more. If the goal is to exercise anytime, anywhere, then isometrics would allow the majority of exercises to be performed in most locations inconspicuously if you choose to exercise in a public place.

The next exercise medium I chose is dynamic/isotonic movement because this type of exercise has been the standard form of exercising for decades around the world.

Dynamic/isotonic movement or concentric or eccentric contraction is a type of strength training.  With this type of exercise, the joint angle and muscle length does change during contraction or exercise.

So if it’s compared to Isometrics, it is the opposite movement.

Thus, Isometric movements are performed in a static position as opposed to dynamic movements, which are performed using a range of motion.

Both dynamic and isotonic exercises are useful for my system because they can be performed anywhere.

Of course, that’s if you’re in a location where you can appropriately exercise inconspicuously.  

And finally, the third type of exercise that’s useful for my system is Yoga.

Yoga is very close to a perfect medium for the PassiveWorkout System. A lot of yoga poses can be held or repeated during exercise, and they can also be performed inconspicuously. 

Now I need to make an important point, and perhaps this point is obvious. You don’t have to work out when you’re in public. You can simply work out at home.

But again, the idea behind my system is to get you moving or exercising your body in all aspects of your life habitually.

The goal is for you to make the most of your time or as I like to say making progress.

Alright, now that you know the concept of my system. Let me introduce you to the credo of the Passive Workout System.

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, just add an exercise.

For example, if you’re waiting in line at the bank, you can pick an exercise from the Master List of Exercises. Again, nothing too conspicuous, like an isometric standing calf raise.

Okay, start your PassiveWorkout and do an isometric calf raise by rising up on the balls of your feet and holding that position for a count of 6 or 12 seconds or more.

Or do a dynamic half squat, discreetly of course, of 1 set of 15 reps. Or do an isometric chest fist press of 1 set of 15 reps. Or combine an *isometric chest fist press with a dynamic chest fist press exercise by bringing your left and right fists wide apart keeping them in line with your shoulders.

And then bring both your fists together tightly for a count of 6 or 12 seconds and repeat.*

*These exercises are explained in detail in Chapter Ten, the “Master List of Exercises.”

In my new on Amazon e-book: Bobby Zapp’s PassiveWorkout: The Health and Fitness Guide To Lose Weight, Just By Adding An Exercise Throughout Your Day.

Or on my website: “Bobby Zapp’s PassiveWorkout.” 


This exercise above is called the Isometric calf raises, squat, bench-press push-up. This Isometric movement is the most performed exercise in my PassiveWorkout System, and it’s my absolute favorite.

Hopefully, you get the idea; but if not, you can always learn more about my exercises later. For now, just be aware that the key to my system is that I’m only asking you to do one thing.

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, just add an exercise.

These are real-world examples that reveal the simplicity of my system. The key is consistently making progress because consistently making progress eventually equals results.    

The fact is, consistent isometric or dynamic movement exercises of any type will tone and tighten your physique and give you the body you desire if you take action repeatedly.

Think about the simple act of tightening your stomach for 1 set of 35 reps or holding that contracted position for a 30-second count. Eventually, you will get results. 

Research has shown that it takes about 60 days to hardwire the neuro-network. That means whatever you’re learning will automatically develop into a habit once you pass the 60-day mark. So if you’re using the Passive Workout for more than 60 days, it’ll train your mind to take action every day automatically.

That action creates the habit of passively working out. Once my system becomes a habit, you’ll naturally be more compelled to work out than not to work out. 

It will require some discipline for you to take action consistently. When it comes to exercise, for most of us it doesn’t come easy.

Most of us are not self-motivated and therefore don’t develop self-discipline.

But by using my Passive Workout System, you will start to experience little victories.

These little victories will eventually become the big habits that can guide and lead you incrementally towards hard-wiring a new belief system that helps you to create the awesome body and new life you desire.

It can also be the catalyst that can guide you toward different types of active workouts.

For example, joining the gym or practicing yoga, or hiring a trainer to coach you on a weekly basis.

Simple little successes can change everything. Remember all great things start by taking that first step.

That’s it. Thanks for taking on a new challenge and giving the PassiveWorkout System a try.

You can visit:

to join our community and take the 21-day Passive Workout Challenge.

This challenge is how I hope to jump-start you toward that magic 60-day hardwire goal.

Note. I am not a doctor, so please consult your health practitioner before taking certain supplements.

Okay—Peace, Health, and Juice!

Bobby Zapp the founder of the

And the Holistic Healing Program.

And the author of: Bobby Zapp’s PassiveWorkout and

Bobby Zapp’s Super Green Juice Guide!

You might also be interested in my “Free PDF” on

“What to do to gain more energy.”

Holistic Healing Overview:

All the book’s free resource giveaways:

Free cheat sheet:

Join my Beta groups to help me develop my courses,

The PassiveWorkout Course or The Goal Setting Life Plan Formula!


Affiliate Disclosure: We often review or link to products & services we regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible we use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission or other compensation. We thank you in advance for supporting us by clicking on the links, it allows us to do what we do!

Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitute sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchase decisions. If you use medications or have concerns, seek medical advice.
Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed, as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. The reviewer is not

* PLEASE NOTE: Results may vary, and Bobby Zapp cannot guarantee specific health or weight loss results.

You should always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified, licensed professional regarding any medical condition you may have or suspect you have.

The 13 Best Supplements to Power Boost Brain Function

The 13 Best Supplements to Power Boost Brain Function

The 13 Best Supplements to Power Boost Brain Function!

An old friend asked me if I knew the best supplements to take to power-boost brain function. I asked her if she wanted to improve her memory and focus.

She said both. I told her I’d write an article on the topic and send it to her if she promised to take some of the supplements and tell me how they made her feel, and she agreed.

Here’s that article, which I call the 13 best supplements to power boost brain function.

Okay, assuming you’re healthy, there are many natural supplements that are beneficial to and can affect brain function in a positive way.

I emphasize the word “natural” and would even add NON-GMO and organic supplements because I believe it’s in your best interest to support your brain function.

Although, you should do it by always utilizing only the best quality natural herbs and nutrient supplements. Overall, these natural supplements, which are often referred to as nootropics, can boost overall executive and cognitive capacities such as memory, focus, motivation, creativity, and alertness.

Now given the unbelievable torrent of technology all of us deal with every day, I’d say we not only have to live a healthier lifestyle by eating right, “Juicing Super Green juices, and smoothies.” But all of us need to support and rejuvenate our brains and nervous systems by taking supplements daily.

If you read my last article called:

“The 5 Criteria for a Healthy Juice,” then you’re aware that I promote using only the best possible fruits and vegetables for making smoothies and juices. I’d also like to add to the list that you should use the best products possible when taking supplements for better brain health.

So, as a rule, if you want to optimize your efforts and get and stay healthy. You must use only the best possible brain products and produce for overall health.

For example, as a reminder, here are the five criteria for making the healthiest juices and smoothies!

Only buy local, fresh, NON-GMO, chemical-free, and organic produce. All supplements must be, Gluten-free, and independently tested for purity, quality, and potency.

All of the supplements in this article I have personally used at one time or another at the suggested dosages and have never had any negative side effects.

1 Fish Oils or Omega 3 fatty acids

Fish oil supplements are a rich source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA); both of these are omega-3 fatty acids which have been linked to improved brain health.

DHA helps to maintain the structure and function of your brain; it accounts for around 25% of the total fat, and 90% of the omega-3 fat found in your brain cells.

Research has shown that DHA supplements improve cognitive ability, memory, and reaction times in healthy people who are low in DHA.

It has also shown that DHA benefited people experiencing a mild decline in brain function and that low levels of omega-3 are linked to vascular dementia and depression.

The omega-3 fatty acid EPA has anti-inflammatory effects that protect the brain against damage to the cell membranes, it also has anti-aging properties and it’s been found to improve mood.

So what’s the best way to get the recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids that contain both EPA and DHA to help you maintain and boost brain function health?

Just eating two portions of oily fish per week or take 1 gram per day of a supplement that has combined both DHA and EPA.

I would also recommend other sources like flaxseed oil, linseed, lignan, and evening primrose oil daily. Here’s a link to my favorite product.

Omega-3: Spectrum Organic Flaxseed

2. Turmeric/Curcumin:

Turmeric/curcumin is a curry spice used in India for thousands of years. If you haven’t tasted it, its rich flavor is very distinct and not easily forgettable. It also has medicinal properties that are associated with many healing protocols.

The active compound found in Turmeric is Curcumin (diferuloylmethane.) which is a yellow pigment that gives the spice turmeric its unique color.

It has long been known as a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, and antibacterial compound, which is why it had to be one of the 13 best power boost brain supplements.

I have always taken it because it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory that has helped me recover quickly from muscle soreness and joint pain after long workouts.

But the most important reason I’ve taken Turmeric/Curcumin is that it increases blood flow to the brain and helps stimulate new brain cell growth.

A typical dosage is twice a day at 500 mg. Here’s a link to my favorite product:  Turmeric/Curcumin:

I also buy the root at my local health food store and juice it three times a week or more depending on how I am feeling.

3. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a plant compound that has the ability to act as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are the compounds that inhibit oxidation or the chemical reactions that produce free radicals that damage cells.

Reducing oxidation is the name of the game if you want to prevent cell damage because cell damage puts you at a much higher risk of getting things like cancer, and heart disease.

The good news is that most of us eat resveratrol every day without realizing it indirectly when we’re eating.

For example, it can be found naturally in purple and red fruits like grapes, raspberries, mulberries, and blueberries.

It’s also found in chocolate and peanuts, so eat those fruits as much as you desire. I’ve been juicing fruits for over 24 years now, and it seems to be working for me.

Resveratrol is known as a stilbenoid, which is a natural phenol, (which are organic compounds characterized by a hydroxyl.)

Phenols produce *phytoalexin, an antimicrobial and often antioxidative substance that’s synthesized de novo by plants that accumulate rapidly at areas of pathogen infection.

Translation plants can produce these powerful substances when they are under attack by bacteria, fungi, and pathogens in general to protect themselves. That’s cool, right?

*Phytoalexins are antimicrobial and often antioxidative substances synthesized de novo by plants that accumulate rapidly in areas of pathogen infection.

They are broad-spectrum inhibitors and are chemically diverse with different types of characteristics of a particular plant species. Wikipedia sourced

The research that I’ve done suggests that resveratrol supplements can prevent the decline of the hippocampus, which is a vital part of brain and memory function.

It also seems to restore the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is critical for brain health.

Keeping this barrier healthy or restoring it, can reduce harmful immune molecules secreted by immune cells that could infiltrate the body and end up in brain tissues.

Again, I mostly take resveratrol for the plant-derived polyphenols it produces, because they’ve been shown to increase memory performance and focus.

The dosage recommendations I’ve seen for resveratrol supplements are 250 to 500 milligrams. I usually take around 2 grams of resveratrol (2,000 milligrams) or more a day.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Resveratrol

One last point, resveratrol has poor bioavailability because oral administration undergoes extensive metabolism in the intestine and liver.

4. Phosphatidylserine

Phosphatidylserine is a fat compound called phospholipid, which is a component of the cell membrane and is found in high concentrations in brain tissue, e.g., lecithin.

Research has shown that it promotes normal binding between neurotransmitters and cell membranes and when taken in combination with DHA it can help keep brain cells remain healthy.

Phospholipid or (PS) plays an important role in a host of cellular functions including mitochondrial membrane integrity, presynaptic neurotransmitter release, postsynaptic receptor activity, and activation of protein kinase C in memory formation

Research has also shown that taking 100 mg, three times a day can help reduce the decline of age-related brain function. Upping the dosage to 400 mg per day can improve thinking skills and memory, although the recommended dosage is 100 to 200 mg taken orally twice per day. I usually take 250 twice a day.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Phosphatidylserine.

Overall research has shown that phosphatidylserine has anti-aging properties.

I take this supplement as part of my maintenance program for better brain health, and if you add lecithin to your brain regimen, you can also improve nerve health.

5. Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that produces a pinkish pigment in crabs, lobsters, salmon, and shrimp. It’s an antioxidant that has many health benefits which include healthier skin, endurance, heart health, reducing joint pain, and may even be used in the field of cancer treatment.

If you know anything about vitamins and supplements, you know that most water-soluble antioxidants circulate throughout your bloodstream quickly and are urinated out.

Astaxanthin is *fat-soluble, which means it can integrate itself into every cell, tissue, and organ in the body where it can neutralize the inflammation-causing free radicals.

It can do this because Fat–soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissue in our bodies and are excreted slowly.

*A vitamin that can dissolve in fats and oils. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with fats in the diet and can be stored in the body’s fatty tissue.

They come from plant and animal foods or dietary supplements. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble.

Here’s what Wikipedia says about Astaxanthin. It is a keto-carotenoid that belongs to a larger class of chemical compounds known as terpenes built from five-carbon precursors, isopentenyl diphosphate, and dimethylallyl diphosphate.

Research has shown it helps fight oxidative stress and enables neurons to stay pliable. The more cutting-edge research has shown that it acts as a detoxifier flushing out poisonous substances while at the same time promoting the growth and development of new cells known as neurogenesis tissue.

I’ve personally used this supplement for brain fog, along with Samsara Biofilm and Nature Restore Stevia leaf, all combined, and have obtained excellent results.

*Disclaimer, please consult a medical professional.

Note, there are side effects to taking this chemical compound; although non-toxic, these can include:

  • A decrease in blood pressure.
  • Increase in skin pigmentation.
  • Additional hair growth.
  • Changes in hormonal balance.
  • Lowered calcium levels in the blood.
  • Decreased libido.

I take this supplement in a limited way, I usually take 6 mg once a day, but at times I also take as much as 12mg once a day. Here’s a link to my favorite Product: Astaxanthin

It also helps to take 1000 mg of Omega-3 from Spectrum Organic Flaxseeds as well as one tablespoon of olive oil when taking the supplement. And if you add lecithin, you can also boost nerve health.

6. Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an acetylated form of L-carnitine that is an amino acid produced naturally by the body, although it is often taken as a dietary supplement. It plays an important role in your metabolism, particularly in energy production.

The latest human research studies have shown that taking acetyl-L-carnitine supplements may be useful in slowing the decline in brain function due to aging and could also increase learning capacity. Suggested dosage ranges from 1000 to 2000 mg per day.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Acetyl-L-carnitine

7. NAC (N-Acetyl-cysteine)

NAC (N-Acetyl-cysteine,) is an amino acid derivative that has been shown to protect nerve cells by controlling excessive levels of *Glutamate.

NAC also helps replenish the antioxidant Glutathione which helps with age-related oxidative damage to brain cells and helps the body’s overall ability to function, especially by helping maintain healthy lung tissue.

*Glutamate: The most abundant neurotransmitter in our brain and central nervous system and is a metabolic precursor for GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) another neurotransmitter.

I take NAC (N-Acetyl-cysteine) daily at a dosage of 1000 mg once a day, and sometimes twice a day. 

Here’s a link to my favorite product:

NAC with selenium and *molybdenum

*Molybdenum is an essential nutrient. Its main function is to remove toxins, particularly from the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids.

Molybdenum is involved with at least 3 enzymes: Sulfite oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase.

8. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is an herb that’s a derivative of the Ginkgo Biloba tree and I’ve been taking it for years.

The research on this, 200-million-year-old medicinal herb, claims that it can improve blood flow to the brain, and improve our focus and memory.

It’s best known for its restorative effects and seems to also help with anti-stress activities and has exhibited protective effects against certain injuries because of its antioxidant activities.

I would say give Ginkgo Biloba a try in a tincture or powdered form if you’re curious.

I take Ginkgo Biloba daily at a dosage of 100 mg twice a day, with a meal.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Ginkgo Biloba

9. Bacopa Monnieri or water hyssop

Bacopa Monnieri is an aquatic herb native to India and is used in Ayurveda.

It is said to enhance focus and memory by promoting proper neurotransmitter balance, while also improving mental processing abilities.

I have taken this herb because it buffers the brain against stress and can even help relieve anxiety and depression.

I take Bacopa Monnieri from time to time at a dosage of 450 mg twice a day, with a meal.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Bacopa Monnieri

10. Huperzia Serrata

Huperzia Serrata is a plant known as a firmoss, that is a species native to India and southeast Asia. It contains the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Huperzine A.

It’s widely distributed over the counter as a nootropic and dietary supplement and is also used in traditional Chinese medicine.

It has the unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier quickly and works as soon as it enters the bloodstream, which takes about 15 minutes.

It can boost levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter crucial to mental focus, cognitive function, and memory.

I would say research this supplement before taking it because it may be harmful to people with certain conditions.

I take Huperzia Serrata sometimes at a dosage of 300 mcg twice a day, with a meal.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Huperzia Serrata

11.  Alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can enhance other antioxidants. Some of which I mentioned earlier like glutathione and vitamin E.

ALC has been shown to have anti-aging properties by reducing the loss of neurotransmitters and cell receptors and can even protect nerves against damage from high glucose levels.

I have used it for many things including memory improvement.

It has been used for anti-HIV activities both in-vitro and in-visto.

I take Alpha-lipoic acid sometimes at a dosage of 600 mg twice a day, with a meal.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Alpha-lipoic acid

12. PPQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)

PPQ also called methoxatin, is a redox cofactor. It is found in soil and foods such as kiwi fruit, parsley, green pepper, papaya, tofu as well as human breast milk. PQQ also stimulates growth in bacteria.

PQQ acts very much like an antioxidant as well as B vitamin. It benefits the brain by promoting cognitive health and memory by fighting mitochondria impairment.

It has the unique quality of being able to protect never cells from oxidative damage. It also helps the body’s cellular structure produce energy by supporting metabolism. It can also stimulate nerve growth factor, which is also critical for cognition, learning, and memory while supporting healthy aging.

I take PQQ sometimes at a dosage of 10 to 20 milligrams per day, with a meal.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: PQQ

13. Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola is a medicinal herb that I’ve taken for many years and I’ve definitely felt the difference in terms of balancing my mood and reducing my stress levels.

This powerful stress adaptogen herb is known as an artic root or golden root and grows in the cold mountains of Europe and Asia.

This amazing root has more than 140 ingredients and has been used to treat anxiety, fatigue, and depression.

It can reduce stress and improve brain function, which is why I’ve taken it for years.

Reminder.  If you’re going to take this herb, always take brands that have USP or NSP seals on them.

The supplement should contain 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides, which are the naturally occurring proportions in Rhodiola root compound.

I’ve taken Rhodiola in a tincture form most of the time when I felt I needed an extra boost, usually on an empty stomach. But do not take it before you go to bed as it is a stimulant.

The recommended dosage is 400-600 mg a day. I usually take it in a tincture form, usually 12 drops, three times a day using the tincture Pipette.

Rhodiola is very safe so don’t worry, but please follow the dosages that are recommended.

Here’s a link to my favorite product: Rhodiola

In conclusion, my comprehensive list of the 13 best supplements to power-boost brain function will surely help you move towards better focus.  

And certainly, there exists a plethora of options to support cognitive health and vitality beyond this list, but this is a good start.

Your job is to ask questions, read, research, and be curious.

I recommend trying each supplement separately and keeping a journal to monitor your results. I only covered the ones I’ve tried and gotten excellent results with.

Regardless, these are worth experimenting with if you want to try to power-boost your brain function a bit. 

However, it would be a good practice to remember that the quest for enhanced brain function through natural supplements is a journey, not a destination. 

The importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, coupled with the use of high-quality, natural supplements, cannot be overstated in today’s fast-paced world.

By incorporating these supplements into your daily regimen, you might just optimize your cognitive abilities, perhaps enhance memory and focus, and promote overall brain health. It has helped me on my journey towards better cognitive focus.

But remember, it’s essential to approach supplementation with caution and consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your routine.

Each individual may respond differently to these supplements, and it’s vital to monitor your body’s reactions closely.

Ultimately, by prioritizing your brain health and adopting a holistic approach to wellness, you can embark on a transformative journey toward maximizing your cognitive potential and achieving optimal mental clarity and vitality.

Note. I am not a doctor, so please consult your health practitioner before taking certain supplements.

Okay—Peace, Health, and Juice!

Bobby Zapp the founder of the

And the Holistic Healing Program.

And the author of: Bobby Zapp’s PassiveWorkout and

Bobby Zapp’s Super Green Juice Guide!

You might also be interested in my “Free PDF” on

“What to do to gain more energy.”

Holistic Healing Overview:

All the book’s free resource giveaways:

Free cheat sheet:

Join my Beta groups to help me develop my courses,

The PassiveWorkout Course or The Goal Setting Life Plan Formula!


DISCLOSURE: We often review or link to products & services we regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible we use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission or other compensation. We thank you in advance for supporting us by clicking on the links, it allows us to do what we do!

Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitute sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchase decisions. If you use medications or have concerns, seek medical advice.
Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed, as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. The reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies, check the product sales page for final prices.